The quality of the Gasparin OMG machining is a summary of different procedures and coordinations, tested in time. Quality is firstly managed by precisely coding each individual body entering the workshops: coded and labelled with the material feature and origin information. This allows the quality control department to always know the type of materials to be machined and their certificates, and provide customers with an Gasparin OMG quality sheet stating all machining and treatments the machined products have been subjected to, the dimensionality check and the requested customer specifications. The dimensions are detected using instruments that are annually calibrated and checked by companies issuing relative certificate, for each instrument. Working for leading companies in the world-wide energy outlook, the production and machining standards are directly dictated by the customers, that only assign job orders prior direct certification of their suppliers. Similar consideration for pharmaceutical companies that apply more selective certification criteria than the common ISO criteria.
Thanks to proven constancy and professionalism, Gasparin OMG has obtained top certification in all covered sectors.

The entire Gasparin OMG production chain is traced with reference to the initial job order, which has maximum traceability on:
  • Quality of ingoing materials (quality certificate of the material provided by the supplier)
  • Who developed the drawing (Company and designer name)
  • For every machining: department, machinery, operator and date/time of machining
  • Certificates of treatments (thermal, induction, etc...) made on parts/components
  • Department and name of who assembled
  • Quality control sheet with date and name of controller.
Every sheet traces the events of the machining chain.